Magazines and other publications: Baldomero Alejos’ photographs have been promoted in various professional media thus realizing one of the objectives of the Photo Archive: the knowledge promotion, and diffusion of the work, while emphasizing its cultural and artistic value.
There is still much to do, such as publishing a book of Baldomero Alejos’ work reflecting new information obtained in recent years.
>>Anachronism of modernity: The study of Baldomero Alejos Ayacucho in Peru.
Editorial Panama Verlag, Berlin, 2008.
Researchers from Germany and Peru investigated the work of Baldomero Alejos in the context of his time and the photographic European tradition. A book, written in German and Spanish, accompanied by magnificent photographs. Articles from Karoline Noack, Manuela Fischer, and other researcher.
>>Passions and disagreements in the Andean culture
Congress Editorial Fund, Lima, 2006. An article written by researcher Luis Millions analyzing the past of Huamanga between 1919 and 1959, the time also portrayed by Baldomero Alejos
>>Baldomero Alejos, photographer
Altazor Ediciones, Lima, 2007. A hand-book containing a selection of images according to thematic topics: culture, religion, education, festivals, etc. The goal of this book was to make the work of Baldomero accessible to all elements of Ayacucho society.
>> From the Outside: the Peru and its researchers
Edited by Luis Millions and Takahiro Kato. Article from the renowned researcher Luis Millones about Baldomero Alejos and the influence of his work in the historical and cultural context of Huamanga in the last century. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 2006.
>>Welcome, cultural tourism in Peru
Quarterly Journal, No. 53. Baldomero Alejos, the silent Chronicler, Lima, April 2006. A personal article, written by Lucia Alejos, in which narrates the beginnings of Baldomero Alejos’ photographic archive. In addition, there are sections on the importance of the archive as visual evidence of an era.
>>Thematic Encyclopedia of Peru
Published by El Comercio. 2004. Selection of photographs to accompany articles on various themes such as society, history, institutions, etc..
>>Women’s Agenda, 2004
Portraits of women by Baldomero Alejos between the years 1920-1930 in Ayacucho. Also, the testimony of young girls from Panchita’s House (La Casa de Panchita), an organization to support domestic workers. Agenda by Agenda Women Association
>>Venezuelan photographic magazine. Caracas, 2002. Number 22. Article Baldomero Alejos, The Gallery Of memory and forgetting. An article by Mayu Mohanna about the Baldomero Alejos photo studio. It tells of the meaning Alejos’ work had for the inhabitants of Huamanga.
>>Recovery of Memory: First Century of Photography. Peru 1842-1942
Telefonica del Peru, Lima, 2002 – Photos of the exhibitions “The first century of photography. Peru 1842-1942” by the Fundación Telefónica and Museo de Arte de Lima. A representative picture of the history of photography in Peru in the last century, including the work of Baldomero Alejos.
>>Baldomero Alejos, Ayacucho 1924-1976 Lima, 2001. First book of the still unpublished photographic archive Baldomero Alejos. A selection of photographs and interviews with representative citizens of Ayacucho potrayed by Alejos. Book was edited by Mayu Mohanna with the support of various private and public institutions.