>>Anachronistic Modernity: The Study Of Baldomero Alejos
Museum of Staat Berlin, Ethnology Museum, for the Month of Photography 4 November 2008.– 2 January, 2009, extended to 2 February, 2009
>>Ayacucho Retratado: fotografías de Baldomero Alejos
Centro Cultural Estacion Mapocho
Santiago de Chile15 de Marzo al 27 de Abril 2007
>>Le Pérou. D’alejo Baldomero photographies
Galerie du Monde des Amériques. Paris, France. 20 March-11 May 2006.
>>Retouch: The Photographs of Baldomero Alejos.
Harvard University – DRCLAS Art Forum, Cambridge , Ma, USA March to June 2006.
>>Everything We Are
Touring exhibition about Ayacucho. Promperu, Peru November-December 2005.
>>Ayacucho: times of peace.
Centro Cultural San Cristobal de Huamanga.Ayacucho, Peru. March-April 2005.
>>The first century of photography 1842-1942.
Fundación TelefónicaMuseum of Art. Lima, Peru. November 2001
>>Baldomero Alejos, Ayacucho 1924-1976
North American Peruvian Institute / ICPNA Lima, Peru.November 2001 – January 2006.